
Hey, I’m Sophie – a designer, researcher, strategist, and artist. I hold a BFA in Industrial Design and Psychology from the Rochester Institute of Technology. 

I focus on design research, community engagement, and piloting interventions. I'm driven to address system-level problems through a design-lens, particularly environmental and social issues such as urban design, housing, and homelessness.  

I am based in Denver, CO where you can find me enjoying the mountains and sunshine.

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    DOC 234—34/2

    Rochester Institute of Technology, Vignelli Center for Design Studies  

    // Spring 2020 

    Collaborated with Josh Owen, Melissa Dawson, Bruce Ian Meader, Geoffrey Pyle and Matthew Pyle of Arttech Casting Co. and Bridget Sheehan
    CHALLENGE: Craft an award to honor the legacy of Massimo and Leila Vignelli, the contributions of Distinguished Professor of Design at RIT, Roger Remington, and establish an item for future honors. 

    Personally tasked with explored design ideas through sketches and prototyping with a variety of material and processes. After a collaborative effort to finalize a design, managed identifying a manufacturer and oversaw the final product crafted. 

    OUTCOME: A timeless item that honors the ethos of Vignelli design through reading “Design is One” in Helvetica type and a “Vignelli red” ribbon.